Please help me diagnose this crazy VMWare/FreeBSD 8.x crash

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Wed Mar 28 23:31:40 UTC 2012


* have you filed a PR?
* is the crash easily reproducable?
* are you able to boot some ramdisk-only FreeBSD-8.2 images (eg create
a ramdisk image using nanobsd?) and do some stress testing inside

It sounds like you've established it's a storage issue, or at least
interrupt handling for storage issue. So I'd definitely try the
ramdisk-only boot and thrash it using lighttpd/httperf or something.
If that survives fine, I'd look at trying to establish whether there's
something wrong in the disk driver(s) freebsd is using. I'm not that
cluey on ESXi, but there may be some PIC/APIC/ACPI change between 7.x
and 8.0 which has caused this to surface.



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