Vivaldi Tablet

Chad Perrin perrin at
Mon Mar 26 15:42:25 UTC 2012

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 07:21:51PM -0500, Robert Bonomi wrote:
> Considering that FreeBS positions itself 'primrily' as a _server_ OS, 
> I would suggest that it is 'unlikely'.

I suppose iXsystems and the PC-BSD project might be a place to send out
feelers as well, being more interested in end-user stuff than the pretty
server-sysadmin heavy crowd here.  There are a lot of people in this
community interested in more than just servers, though, so I don't see
why the fact FreeBSD is good for servers should be an impediment to
seeking out people with an interest in tablet ports.

> *I*, for one, would hope that porting to the 'Rasberry Pi' has higher 
> priority.

So would I.  If someone decided to tackle the Vivaldi platform, though, I
wouldn't complain.

> Now, if "somebody" in the 'Vivaldi' community wants to gather up _all_
> the relevant 'technical data' for configuring/accessing/programming *ALL*
> the included hardware, and -publish- it in one EASILY ACCESSIBLE place,
> that would be a good start.

This might be a start:

> If such a "somebody" were to _also_ provide 'funding' for a porting project,
> that would undoubtedly move such a project to a high position on the 'to do'
> list'.
> Otherwise, "Skippy", you, -YOURSELF-.  will need to find a 'guru' with the
> appropriate knowledge/skills *and* "enough interest' in the project to 
> tackle it.

I think the point of the initial email to start this thread was to see if
there were people in the community with an interest in working on this
project, and might actually be a fairly logical step toward an effort to
"find a 'guru'" to work on it.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

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