Cloning a FreeBSD system

Shane Ambler FreeBSD at ShaneWare.Biz
Sat Mar 3 05:14:40 UTC 2012

On 28/02/2012 03:24, Stephen Cook wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm relatively new to FreeBSD but I'm enjoying it so far.
> I have FreeBSD 9.0 installed as a VirtualBox guest, and I plan on
> cloning it repeatedly to set up a fake network for me to toy with (e.g.
> setting up clusters of replicated databases, web server pools, etc).

Another option to look at is using FreeBSD's Jails. Handbook chapter 16

Basically you can setup multiple jails on the machine that use the 
kernel of the base system (so it's not an entire emulated machine) but 
each jail has it's own environment, apps etc.


Shane Ambler
FreeBSD (at) ShaneWare (dot) Biz


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