Attaching a monitor via vga

Chad Perrin perrin at
Wed Jun 20 18:30:49 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 07:27:33AM -0600, Warren Block wrote:
> Adding a new mode should not be needed for most monitors.  I do this
> to set up the external video:
>   xrandr --output VGA --above LVDS
> That's to span a single desktop over both monitors.
> Some desktop environments have their own ideas about which monitors
> are attached and what part of the desktop is shown, and that must be
> changed in the DE's settings.

My use case involves putting everything on one monitor at a time -- the
larger desktop LCD when it's plugged in, and the laptop display when the
external monitor is *not* plugged in.  From the sound of the request,
that is the use case the orignial querent in this thread had in mind as

Your tip could well be useful for some use cases, though.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

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