bridge firewall in virtualbox not passing traffic after upgrade to stable/9

Peter fbsdq at
Tue Jan 17 17:57:13 UTC 2012

  Was running 8.2 and virtualbox 3 - wiped Freebsd 8.2, installed 9.0,
installed latest virtualbox port 4.0.14 and the networking broke in my

Setup I had:

{vm1,vm2,etc}---> vbox internal network -> em2[firewall VM]em1 -->
re0[physical box]-->ISP

the firewall vm has this:
ifconfig_bridge0="addm em1 addm em2 up"

Firewall vm has this setup:
nic1 - bridge re0
nic2 - bridge re0
nic3 - internal network

The VMs are still on 8.2, the only change was virtualbox from 3 to 4.0.14
and host system fresh install of stable/9.

vboxnet is loaded, if I change the VMs to just bridge re0, they are able
to get out, if I put them on the internal network, nothing gets out.

internal networking works because without bridge and just setting static
IP on vm1 and firewall vm em2, they talk without problem.

  it can't be this hard.

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