Recurring "rescan already queued" message

Dmitry S. Kasterin dmk.sbor at
Mon Feb 27 13:49:56 UTC 2012


I am trying to install 9.0-RELEASE from standard amd64 memstick image.
During the install huge amount of "rescan already queued" messages
breaks installer interface.

(noperiph:ata1:0:-1:-1): rescan already queued
(noperiph:ata1:0:-1:-1): rescan already queued
(noperiph:ata1:0:-1:-1): rescan already queued
(noperiph:ata1:0:-1:-1): rescan already queued

So, I have 2 questions:

1) Are these messages harmless?
2) Messages are a little bit annoying. So, is there any way to suppress  them?

Some remarks:

1) I am trying to install FreeBSD on HP ProBook 4730s,
which seems to be affected by a recent Intel bug:

2) HDD is ada0 on ata0.

3) The messages are genetared constantly:
# dmesg | grep "rescan already queued" | wc -l
# uptime
... 14 mins ...

4) I've tried to suppress messages by setting "hint.ata.1.disabled=1",
 but this had no effect (may be due to my mistake?)

5) Verbose kernel log has the following part:

(aprobe0:ata1:0:0:0): SOFT_RESET. ACB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(aprobe0:ata1:0:0:0): CAM status: Selection Timeout
(aprobe0:ata1:0:1:0): SOFT_RESET. ACB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(aprobe0:ata1:0:1:0): CAM status: Selection Timeout
ata1: SATA reset: ports status=0x00
ata1: p0: SATA connect timeout status=00000004
ata1: p1: SATA connect timeout status=00000000
ata1: DISCONNECT requested
ata1: SATA reset: ports status=0x00
ata1: p0: SATA connect timeout status=00000004
ata1: p1: SATA connect timeout status=00000000
ata1: DISCONNECT requested
ata1: SATA reset: ports status=0x00
ata1: p0: SATA connect timeout status=00000004
ata1: p1: SATA connect timeout status=00000000
(noperiph:ata1:0:-1:-1): rescan already queued
ata1: DISCONNECT requested

6) vmstat -i gives the following:
 interrupt                          total       rate
irq1: atkbd0                         653          4
irq9: acpi0                          417          2
irq14: ata0                          164          1
irq16: ehci0 ehci1                 12335         81
cpu0:timer                         75201        498
irq256: hdac0                         12          0
cpu1:timer                         92952        615
cpu2:timer                         74159        491
cpu3:timer                         97503        645
Total                             353396       2340

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