Security? [Re: Why is this Symbol in the front of your website. A humble request.]

C. P. Ghost cpghost at
Sat Feb 25 13:11:06 UTC 2012

On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Daniel Feenberg <feenberg at> wrote:
> An email address can be hidden from bots without violating section 508, for
> instance:
>  feenberg is at nber dot org
> or some variant won't be picked up by a robot.

Most bots use some rather sophisticated regexp pattern
matching nowadays, including some primitive JavaScript
parsing to defeat the most popular JS-based obfuscations.
This one is very, very obvious and among the easiest ones
(including the "is" variation). You couldn't hide from them
this way.


Cordula's Web.

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