fvwm-2.6.4 dumps core on 9.0-RELEASE

Roland Smith rsmith at xs4all.nl
Mon Feb 20 18:16:49 UTC 2012

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 08:58:28PM +0900, WATANABE Kazuhiro wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I have updated my window manager (x11-wm/fvwm2) from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4.
> It compiled on 9.0-RELEASE/i386 with the default option settings.
> After the update, fvwm2 crashes randomly and dumps core.
> Does anyone have a similar problem?

No problems on 9.0-RELEASE/amd64, with the following options;

    │ Options for fvwm 2.6.4                                             │      
    │ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │      
    │ │[ ] ICONS         Install default icon set                      │ │      
    │ │[ ] ICONV         Enable iconv character conversion support     │ │      
    │ │[ ] STROKE        Enable support for mouse gestures             │ │      
    │ │[ ] RPLAY         Enable RPlay support in FvwmEvent             │ │      
    │ │[*] SESSION_MGMT  Enable Session Management support             │ │      
    │ │[*] PNG           Build with PNG graphics support               │ │      
    │ │[*] SVG           Build with SVG graphics support using librsvg2│ │      
    │ │[ ] BIDI          Enable Asian bi-directional text support      │ │      
    │ │[ ] NLS           Enable National Language Support              │ │      
    │ │[ ] IMLIB         Enable imlib library (requires gtk12)         │ │      
    │ │[ ] GNOME         Enable GNOME desktop support                  │ │      

Through the years FVWM2 has proven rock-solid for me. I can't recall that it
ever crashed.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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