Upgrade to 9.0 - Mount to root failed..

Matthew Seaman matthew at FreeBSD.org
Sun Apr 8 09:54:31 UTC 2012

On 08/04/2012 09:53, Airosoβicz fb. wrote:
> So I've upgraded from 8.1 to 9.0 & now the system can't mount in single
> user mode to go through the final step of installing the world..
> # cvsup.. Done..
> # make buildworld..  Done..
> # make buildkernel.. Done..
> # make installkernel.. Done..
> # reboot in single user mode to install world.. Failed to mount to
> /dev/ad2s1a.. {Yes, that *is* my HD}

As was mentioned else-thread, you are probably hitting problems due to
the name change from ad(4) to ada(4) for PATA/SATA disk devices.

One way to fix this is simply to type in the new boot device in the
loader and then edit /etc/fstab from single user mode -- which is fine,
but you'ld have to go through the same sort of rigmarole again to revert
back to 8.1 should that be necesssary.  The preferred method nowadays is
to label the partitions.  There are three options:

   glabel(8) -- generic labels for geom devices, which will appear in

   tunefs(8) -- specifically the -L option.  For UFS, labels will
     appear as /dev/ufs/foo

   gpart(8) -- GPT partitioning has built-in label support. Devices
     appear as /dev/gpt/foo

(Additionally partitions can be referred to by uuid for the tunefs and
gpart labelling schemes, but that's not relevant here.)  Quite why
FreeBSD needs so many different labelling schemes escapes me.

gpart(8) labelling is the default for new installs of 9.0.  However,
given you're upgrading from 8.1, then you will likely be using MBR +
bsdlabel oldstyle partitioning, so probably tunefs(8) labelling would be
the best choice to get you through the 8.1 -> 9.0 reboot.

ie.  Create the label:

    # tunefs -L ROOT /dev/as2s1a

then edit /etc/fstab so the line for the root filesystem reads like so:

    /dev/ufs/ROOT	/	ufs	rw	0	1

Repeat this for all the other UFS filesystems you have -- a good system
is to label them according to their mountpoint (USR, VAR, HOME, LOCAL,
and so forth.)

This should work with both 8.1 and 9.0 kernels -- however, untested, so
apply appropriate levels of caution.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey

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