Cutting sendmail out of the loop

Brett Glass brett at
Sun Sep 4 18:01:04 UTC 2011

I'm creating some small FreeBSD servers that shouldn't be able to 
send mail to, or receive mail from, the outside world. I was 
originally just going to set sendmail_enable="NONE" in /etc/rc.conf 
and turn off the mailing of output from various utilities (e.g. 
cron), but alas there seem to be a few programs I may need to run 
that insist upon sending mail. So, I'd like to see if I can set up 
local delivery of mail without invoking the memory- and cpu-hungry 
program that is sendmail. I'm therefore wondering what would happen 
if I just put /usr/libexec.mail.local in as "sendmail" and 
"send-mail" in mailer.conf and leaving out the rest of the entries. 
Does anyone on the list have experience with doing this or 
something similar? Sendmail has a lot of command line options that 
mail.local does not, but they seem to be rarely invoked by programs 
that do things such as mail output to a local user.

--Brett Glass

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