Disable automatic "Fallback" IP on 9.0-RC2 when a hostname cannot be resolved

Moritz Wilhelmy moritz at wzff.de
Sat Nov 26 15:44:34 UTC 2011


my 9.0-RC2 installation on furnace.wzff.de keeps connecting to wzff.de
if a hostname cannot be resolved. E.g. telnet foobar 25 connects me to
the SMTP server on wzff.de, same thing for another jail that uses a
subdomain of barfooze.de and tries to connect to barfooze.de if it can't
find a suitable DNS or /etc/hosts record.

I dislike when computers try to be smart like this, and I can't really
think how this is useful, and it also doesn't happen on another machine
that has a subdomain of something set as hostname and is running 8.2, so
I want to disable it. Can anyone give me a hint how to do it?
If you can't, which of the numerous mailing lists would be the right one
to contact in this case?

This is 9.0-RC2 on amd64, last updated 2011-11-09.

Best regards,


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