geli + journal

Коньков Евгений kes-kes at
Tue Nov 15 18:33:24 UTC 2011

Здравствуйте, RW.

Вы писали 15 ноября 2011 г., 1:50:54:

R> On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 00:06:00 +0200
R> Коньков Евгений wrote:

>>catch idea, but some question:
>> in this situation .eli.journal  journal device will not be encrypted?
>>  can you describe how data flow will be?

R> The journal is encrypted unless you choose to put it on a separate
R> non-encrypted device. 

R> In principle the data is encrypted into the journal, decrypted from
R> the journal and then re-encrypted into its final location. In practice
R> I've found that in file copying between disks, writing uses about
R> twice as much cpu time as reading, so maybe the decryption  from the
R> journal can be avoided by caching.

Are there differences between .eli.journal or .journal.eli?

С уважением,
 Коньков                          mailto:kes-kes at

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