IPSec with Public IP Addresses only

jhall at socket.net jhall at socket.net
Thu May 19 12:29:49 UTC 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am attempting to connect a FreeBSD server, 8.1-RELEASE to a Juniper 
J2320 router running the JUNOS operating system. 

The Juniper router I am connecting to has a public IP address of  
The provider has not given me a private IP address and has stated it is 
not needed. 

The FreeBSD server, has a public IP address of and a private IP 
address of 

I am able to create the gif tunnel without any problem.  However, the 
provider I am connecting to has told me there is not a private IP address 
available for the creation of the private IP tunnel.  I will be connecting 
to private addresses in the range on the provider's server. 

Here is the output of the ifconfig command.

gif0: flags=8050<POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1280
	tunnel inet -->

Following are the relevant route table entries.      US          1      798   bge1     UGS         2      192   bge1

Is it possible to connect to the private address on the provider's server 
without a private IP address?  I have done this before, but I have always 
private IP addresses as well. 

I do not have racoon running yet.  Could this make a difference?

Thanks for your help.

Jay Hall

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