Another PHP5 problem

Jack L. Stone jacks at
Thu Jun 16 13:58:18 UTC 2011

At 03:41 PM 6/16/2011 +0300, Reko Turja wrote:
>> I have very few uses for sqlite3 but I still have them. And PDO? 
>> Never seen anything run it.
>Some pretty big projects including Drupal CMS are moving to PDO. I 
>reckon that having other options without reinventing the wheel, than 
>one certain Oracle controlled DB-backend is starting to gain momentum.
>Just as a sidenote, PHP 5.3.6 so far seems to be unaffected by 
>extension loading order, but looks like that any upgrade of apache, 
>apr, php etc. means that every dependent module downstream has to be 
>recompiled as well.

With upgrade to php5-5.3.6 is the first time ever (many years) I've had any
problem with php. The order of the extensions never came up as an issue,
nor did it once I found the extensions causing the seg faults and core
dumps. Ryan's suggestion of commenting out all of the extensions and then
adding back 1 by 1 enabled me to find the offenders quickly.

The 2 sqlite extensions caused the problem for me there also was a 3rd one
and I removed them all as I don't use that database. For ports, I usually
go with the defaults on options unless I KNOW what they do or don't do.
Have used the same options and didn't know why the sqlites were added this
time. That further cause an install of the core sqlite port. Without
removing it, I couldn't delete the inclusion of the sqlite extensions.

Now, I wrestling with the apache2 and apr0 issue. The apache port Makefile
wants apr0, but it now has vulnablilities. Ports UPDATING says to do this
with apr:
- remove apache2 and then: portupgrade -f -o devel/apr1 devel/apr
...and then reinstall apache2. That didn't work because the Makefile in
apache still wants apr0. I changed the Makefile to apr1 but the build
failed after it looked again for that apr0 later in the build. I didn't
find another call for apr0.

What have others done for this? This is about the last issue I know about
after the major upgrade of the ports.

Thanks for all the help so far -- just any other help on the apr thingy
would be nice. Yes, I have googled and always do before going to the trough

Thanks again!


Happy trails,
Jack L. Stone

System Admin

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