sendmail || mail and SpamAssassin

Gary Kline kline at
Thu Jun 9 05:35:09 UTC 2011

This is the other question: how do I get the builtin SpanAssassin
working?  sendmail is working and I've built mail/p5-SpamAssassin
[or whatever].  Still getting spam.  Also,  when /etc/mail/* starts
up, on the console I notice a warning saying something like 

Can't find Xspamassassin

All lower case after the first "X".  I keep getting Spanish language
spam message and other junk or spam.  I just need to figure out
howto get the builtin or the port that kills this krap.

thanks for any insights,


 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
           Journey Toward the Dawn, E-Book:
          The 8.51a release of Jottings:

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