no apache22, php5 cores

Gary Kline kline at
Thu Jan 20 21:49:11 UTC 2011


As of about an hour ago things are back.  I cannot get apache22 to
launch of my server.  I rebuilt php5 then did a 

# php -v

and got an immediate core dump. 

Note that I was using portmanager -u -f but without the --resume 
switch and was 88% done upgrading when I accidently killed the xterm
[[ctwm]. I've made a clean start, this time with the -u -f and
--resume flags.  Up to about 20%.  Could the php5 troubles be why I
can't get apache to launch?  [I also rebuilt php5-extensions.  

Anything else I should consider?

thanks much.

 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
           Journey Toward the Dawn, E-Book:
          The 7.97a release of Jottings:

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