A quality operating system

Daniel Staal DStaal at usa.net
Sat Aug 20 20:39:33 UTC 2011

--As of August 20, 2011 4:22:45 PM -0400, Jerry is alleged to have said:

> I have never wasted my time with it personally; however, I thought I
> read somewhere that it did not work if the user had built a custom
> kernel. From what I have seen written regarding it, you have to move the
> custom kernel out of the way and replace it with the generic kernel,
> run the freebsd-update program and then re-install the custom kernel and
> then rebuild that. Assuming that is correct, I can safely say that only
> a masochist would find that solution given the numerous possibilities
> for catastrophic failure any serious consideration. Obviously the KISS
> principal was considered important in this scenario.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Exactly how would you want to do a binary upgrade on a custom-configured 
kernel? (I.E.: A custom binary.) And can you name any OS that can do that?

Although you don't have to replace the kernel with the generic, if you are 
doing a source upgrade.  You should be able to do a standard source 
upgrade.  (Making sure, of course, that your custom kernel's configuration 
is still valid for the newer source.)  I might *recommend* replacing with a 
generic during the upgrade, just because it's safer to be upgrading to the 
tested kernel, but it shouldn't be required.

Daniel T. Staal

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