pkdgb and corrupted record(s)

Kurt Buff kurt.buff at
Fri Aug 12 18:08:03 UTC 2011


This seems fairly benign so far, but I find it happening on several
machines after switching from portupgrade to portmaster. Don't know if
that switch is actually part of the issue or not, though I'm really
liking portmaster.

Anyone have a thought on this?



# pkg_info | grep pkg
pkg_info: corrupted record (pkgdep line without argument), ignoring
pkg_info: corrupted record (pkgdep line without argument), ignoring
pkg-config-0.25_1   A utility to retrieve information about installed libraries
# pkgdb -F
--->  Checking the package registry database
[Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 433
packages found (-34 +36) (...)....................................
# pkg_info | grep pkg
pkg_info: corrupted record (pkgdep line without argument), ignoring
pkg_info: corrupted record (pkgdep line without argument), ignoring
pkg-config-0.25_1   A utility to retrieve information about installed libraries
# pkgdb -fF
--->  Checking the package registry database
# pkg_info | grep pkg
pkg_info: corrupted record (pkgdep line without argument), ignoring
pkg_info: corrupted record (pkgdep line without argument), ignoring
pkg-config-0.25_1   A utility to retrieve information about installed libraries

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