Modifying Sendmail's Configuration the Correct way.

Daniel Staal DStaal at
Thu Apr 21 00:49:31 UTC 2011

--As of April 20, 2011 3:50:16 PM -0400, Alejandro Imass is alleged to have 

> There have been many requests to let us choose our favorite MTA for
> the base system. It seems things are moving in that direction since
> you will notice an option in the make config of the newer postfix
> versions it says to install postfix in the base. Right now I would
> avoid this, (other maybe other can comment more on this option) but
> hopefully in the future those of use that don't like sendmail can
> avoid it's use.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

I picked the option to install postfix in the base.  It works the same as 
postfix out of the base.  Only one real difference that I've noted: Instead 
of being in '/usr/local/sbin/' it's in '/usr/sbin/'.  There are quite a few 
other ports I've noticed that see postfix and assume it's in /usr/local/*, 
so this can be annoying as you are installing other things.  On the other 
hand, every time I've run into it, it's just been a config option or so 
that needed changing.  You just have to be on the lookout for it: lots of 
things send the occasional email, or can.

Daniel T. Staal

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