postfix installed in base, mailwrapper spins using 100% CPU

Bruce Cran bruce at
Thu Oct 7 09:40:25 UTC 2010


I installed a new server recently with postfix. I first rebuilt world using 
WITH_SENDMAIL=no and removed the sendmail files using 'make delete-old'. I 
installed postfix in /usr but now mailwrapper doesn't work - it runs using 
100% CPU and never quits. I suspect it might be stuck in a loop trying to run 
the sendmail binary and being redirected back to itself. So 
/etc/mail/mailer.conf contains:

sendmail        /usr/sbin/sendmail
send-mail       /usr/sbin/sendmail
mailq           /usr/sbin/sendmail
newaliases      /usr/sbin/sendmail

and /usr/sbin/sendmail is:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  21 Oct  2 09:50 /usr/sbin/sendmail -> 

Should it actually be the sendmail binary that postfix installs, and if so I'm 
wondering how it could have ended up being a symlink?

Bruce Cran

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