
Niki Kovacs contact at
Sun Mar 7 10:01:56 UTC 2010


I'm an Austrian sysadmin living in Montpezat (South France). I'm 100% 
GNU/Linux since 2001, I started out with Slackware 7.1, then after a few 
years of using Slackware and Debian, I moved to CentOS in 2006, a clone 
of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. I'm running a one-man computer company 
(Microlinux: spezialized in computer solutions 
based on GNU/Linux and FOSS.

Up until now, I never gave FreeBSD a try, but sometimes I used to 
stumble over the documentation, and I always thought: heck, this is how 
an operating system should be documented. I even went so far as to be 
almost jealous of the handbook, and wishing there was something similar 
for Linux (so I went and even wrote one:

But a few days ago I decided to take the plunge. No, not migrate all my 
machines to FreeBSD. But I have two old NEC PowerMates in my office, for 
teaching and testing purposes, and I decided to download FreeBSD 8.0, do 
a lot of RTFM and just play with it and see if I can make it do all the 
things I'm doing with Linux (and maybe more). More recently, I've been 
attracted by the more centralized (and way less chaotic) development 
model of FreeBSD.

So far, after reading chapters 1 to 5 from the fine Handbook, I managed 
to install FreeBSD, configure X11 and install XFCE. This all raised a 
few questions, so I thought my next move would be to say hello in this 
list and ask my questions here, very soon.

Cheers from the freezing South of France,

Niki Kovacs

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