Thousands of ssh probes

Dino Vliet dino_vliet at
Fri Mar 5 19:09:25 UTC 2010

Thousands of ssh probes
Friday, March 5, 2010 1:54 PM
"John" <john at>
freebsd-questions at
My nightly security logs have thousands upon thousands of ssh probes
in them.  One day, over 6500.  This is enough that I can actually
"feel" it in my network performance.  Other than changing ssh to
a non-standard port - is there a way to deal with these?  Every
day, they originate from several different IP addresses, so I can't
just put in a static firewall rule.  Is there a way to get ssh
to quit responding to a port or a way to generate a dynamic pf
rule in cases like this?

John Lind
john at starfire.MN.ORG

Hi John,
I'm using pf as a firewall on FreeBSD. I used this handy website: and especially this part:

max-src-conn is the number of simultaneous connections you allow from one host. In this example, I've set it at 100, in your setup you may want a slightly higher or lower value.

max-src-conn-rate is the rate of new connections allowed from any single host, here 15 connections per 5 seconds. Again, you are the one to judge what suits your setup.

I then looked at ssh itself. Key-based authentication only is what I'm allowing on my network now and I have put the AllowUsers directive in my sshd_config.
At the moment I'm so paranoid that I'm reading into this Mandatory Access Control part of the handbook as well.
Good luck,Dino


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