what to do when FreeBSD cannot do something?

Iv Ray pobox at verysmall.org
Wed Jul 7 15:00:51 UTC 2010

> What virtulization system to use? Personnally I use ESXi from vmware

This was a great tip, thank you. I wasn't aware that ESXi is a bare metal and free.

> What OS to use instead of FreeBSD? It depends on what is recommended
> for your application, what resources you have available around you,
> etc. For a similar problem I choosed Ubuntu because Ubuntu was well
> supported by the application and some colleagues had a decent
> knwoledge of ubuntu.

I am not fanatic about FreeBSD, but I feel very comfortable with it and I resist change. However your ESXi tip would allow me to run ESXi on bare metal and virtualize simple installations of the "unpleasant" legacy OSes without making my fingers too dirty.

Thank you very much,

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