Periodic maintenaince

Roland Smith rsmith at
Fri Jan 22 23:54:36 UTC 2010

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 02:04:21PM -0800, fpineda wrote:
> Hi!
> I like to know how can I optimize the execution about periodic daily. I know
> periodic execute is a set of scripts, but I have some problems with a
> sepecific script: 450.status-security.
> When this script is running by periodic_daily on cron, take some time to end
> and many times cause network errors like lost packets or timeouts. When the
> script is executing I saw with top command that generate a procces called
> "find" and it take all CPU resources while 450.status-security is executing.
> How can I optimize this script?

This scripts calls /usr/sbin/periodic, which then executes all the scripts in

With the command 'grep find /etc/periodic/security/*', you'll find that three
scripts contain a find command;
- /etc/periodic/security/100.chksetuid
- /etc/periodic/security/800.loginfail
- /etc/periodic/security/900.tcpwrap

What you could do is prepend the find(1) commands with the nice(1) command, to
give the find commands lower priority. E.g. 'find -bla' then becomes
'/usr/bin/nice -n 19 find -bla'. 

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