Upgrading Standing Systems from 6.3 to 8.0

Martin McCormick martin at dc.cis.okstate.edu
Sat Jan 9 13:03:01 UTC 2010

Robert Huff writes:
>         Is it possible to have someone swap the hard disks of those
> machines?
>         Because not only are you going to have to upgrade the OS twice,
> you're going to have to re-install all the ports.  (OK, you may not
> _have_ to reinstall - compatibility libraries exist - but it is
> clearly the path of greatest reliability.)
>         It's just as easy to start with a clean installation, which has
> other benefits as well.

	Absolutely true. I pushed for hot-swappable drives back
when we ordered these systems which are Dell 2950's, but I
didn't get anywhere at all with that campaign. The 2950's have
been no trouble to speak of but it makes times like this so much
more risky.

Martin McCormick

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