Abiword window corruption

Charlie Kester corky1951 at comcast.net
Wed Jan 6 22:16:57 UTC 2010

On Wed 06 Jan 2010 at 13:52:53 PST Charlie Kester wrote:
>On Wed 06 Jan 2010 at 13:16:51 PST Warren Block wrote:
>>With the recent mentions of Abiword, I've reinstalled it.  Yet it 
>>has the same problem it had the last time I tried it: random pixels 
>>under the current row of text, the old cursor isn't erased when you 
>>move to a different line.  Am I the only one that sees this?
>>Sample here: http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/abiword/abiword.jpg
>I just reinstalled it too.  ;-)
>I don't see any stray pixels like you're seeing. One thing I notice is
>that your cursor is a lot thicker than the one I'm seeing.  If Abiword
>is expecting you to have a thinner cursor, that might be why it doesn't
>erase the extra pixels when you move it.
>I also see several differences in the appearance of your toolbar buttons
>and other UI elements.  What window manager are you using, and what

I just remembered that I had implemented a tip I got somewhere for
forcing use of the condensed versions of the DejaVu fonts.  Try saving
the attached file in home directory as .fonts.config and see if it makes
any difference when you restart X and abiword.

-------------- next part --------------
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">

	<match target="pattern">
		<test name="family" qual="any">
			<string>DejaVu Sans</string>
		<edit mode="assign" name="family">
			<string>DejaVu Sans Condensed</string>

	<match target="pattern">
		<test name="family" qual="any">
			<string>DejaVu Serif</string>
		<edit mode="assign" name="family">
			<string>DejaVu Serif Condensed</string>

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