gpt zfs booting - loader takes 25s

Bruce Cran bruce at
Wed Dec 1 01:00:49 UTC 2010

I've recently installed a ZFS-only system which is booting from GPT
using a 'legacy' BIOS. Something I noticed straight away is that the loader
takes a very long time: it pauses after enumerating the disks but before
displaying information about the installed memory:

BTX loader 1.0.0  BTX version is 1.02
Consoles: internal video/keyboard
BIOS drive C: is disk0
BIOS drive D: is disk1
BIOS drive E: is disk2
BIOS drive F: is disk3
-> pauses for 25 seconds, with the spinner occasionally moving
BIOS 631kB/3666816kB available memory

Is it normal for booting to take such a long time when booting from GPT?

Bruce Cran

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