Auto update

Jos Chrispijn kernel at
Sun Apr 11 09:32:27 UTC 2010

On 11-4-2010 9:41, Doug Hardie wrote:
> A cheesy way to do that is to use a popen ("tail -f 
> /var/log/auth.log", "r") and then read that. It will give you every 
> login regardless of ssh, telnet etc. You could then generate the 
> emails from that. I have no idea just how resource intensive this 
> might be. You would also have to ensure it got started by rc during 
> boot._______________________________________________

In order to find out if someone logged in, I should then first copy 
auth.log to auth2.log, and do a compare and then do the tail trick. Have 
to cron that every half a minute.
I would like to know if there is something that is alterted on the 
moment that someone logs on thus forcing evt. your tail suggestion

Jos Chrispijnj

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