Microsoft "Dynamic DNS"

Mark Willson cdr.nil at
Tue Sep 22 12:13:17 UTC 2009

stan wrote:
> I have a situation at work, where I need  a FreeBSD machine to be in the
> corporate DNS. We have been bought out, and the new owner says "no static
> DNS entries". They use some Microsoft technogly where the client machiens
> register thier names with the corprate DNS.
> My Windows laptop for instance, may get different IP addresses using DHCP
> depending on what physical location I connect it in. but it's always the
> same DNS name.
> Can anyone sugest where to look for information as to how this works, and
> how I cna make my FreeBSD machine participate in this?


You may also have to set the option "dhcp-client-identifier" in the 
/etc/dhclient.conf file. The value should be the MAC address of the 
interface you are requesting the DHCP address on. I think this is 
something that the Microsoft DHCP server expects.


interface "ep0" {
    send host-name "";
    send dhcp-client-identifier 1:0:a0:24:ab:fb:9c;


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