Help with NAT

Scott Elgram SElgram at
Fri Sep 18 21:57:55 UTC 2009


            I am at my wits end with this one.  I have set up a box to use
of firewall/nat.  However, during the setup I pointed set net to do a port
redirect of port 6502 to port 80 of my development web server.  Everything
worked fine so I deployed my new box onto a live IP and tested it again with
the same redirect to my dev server.  Still, everything works fine so I
changed /etc/natd.conf to point to my production web server and it won't
work.  I have tried everything that I can think of to narrow down this issue
but I just can't figure it out.  I pointed everything back to my dev server
and it's still working.  I changed the dev servers IP and changed nat to
point to the new IP and it still works.  It would see that nat will work
only with my dev server and no other computer.


Can anyone offer any suggestions, I'm sure I'm missing something basic.




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