New mail server setup

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Wed Sep 16 06:23:23 UTC 2009

Steve Bertrand wrote:
> I'm looking potentially to try a different mail server setup. I'm
> requesting honest feedback from experienced mail ops.
> My minimum requirements:
> - IPv6 for all protocols
> - SPF
> - IMAP|POP3 must support SSL
> - submit on 587
> - MySQL backend for un/pw, vpopmail preferred, but not mandatory
> - Maildir storage preferred
> - easy (ie: well documented) integration with SA/clam
> - integration with maildrop .mailfiter preferred
> Right now I use a system wrapped around Qmail, and honestly, I just
> don't want to patch for IPv6 anymore.
> I've broken my personal system, so while I work on re-hacking
> everything, I thought I'd solicit some new ideas. I've been using the
> same email system pretty much across the board for seven years or so, so
> perhaps I should look at other options.
> Please cc me, as this addr isn't subscribed. I won't be receiving my
> list email from my backup mx until tomorrow, as it were ;)

For an MTA: postfix does everything you want, it's not too shabby speed wise
and the config files are reasonably comprehensible.

For an IMAP/POP3 server: dovecot has the required functionality and unless 
you're dealing with thousands of user accounts it's probably a better alternative
for you than the nuclear option of cyrus-imapd.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP:     Ramsgate
                                                  Kent, CT11 9PW

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