are there any notebooks with mouse-sticks?

Al Plant noc at
Thu Sep 10 00:50:03 UTC 2009

Chad Perrin wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 02:08:36PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
>> I'm looking for a small computer, 7-10" screen that has a ThinkPad-like stick
>> to act as the mouse.  Pref'ly, no touch-pad.  The ASUS and just about every other
>> notebook-size device has this kind of scratch-n-sniff pad; unfortunately, it looks
>> as tho my palm would go there.  (I *did* see a separate mouse [and other add-ons]
>> for the EEE; that might be a work around.)
> I sympathize with your desire for a trackpoint (instead of a touchpad),
> and this is one reason I keep getting ThinkPads for my laptops.
> Unfortunately, I don't know of any "netbooks" that come with trackpoints.
> I hope you get an answer on this list so I'll get one as well (with the
> obvious preference for FreeBSD, or at least *some* BSD Unix,
> compatibility).
Aloha Gary,

The HP Mini 1000 has a pad and it is not good. If I accidentally brush 
it with a finger it acts as a click same as the mouse buttons do. I 
think this is a terrible feature. ( No way to kill it either I checked. 
)I thought it was because I have large hands, but Julie has trouble too 
so she brought out a USB wireless logitech mouse from her stash of stuff 
and it works fine.

Good Luck...

~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
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