spamassassin question

RW rwmaillists at
Mon Nov 23 18:20:48 UTC 2009

On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 02:30:47 +0000
Marwan Sultan <dead_line at> wrote:

> Gary,
>  Its an old problem with /root/.spamassassin
>  I dunt know why spamassassin still have it by default :(
>  I spent a day or so to figure it out.. however,

If you run spamd as root it will setuid to the user running spamc and
use  ~/.spamassassin for user configuration - this is the normal way to
set it up if you wish to use traditional unix mail accounts with per
user conf (including bayes). Presumably this is why it
used /root/.spamassassin, assuming that you ran spamc as root.

Alternately you can use an unprivileged user either by letting it drop
privileges, like this

spamd_flags=" -u <unixuser>"

or by starting it directly, with spamd_user=<unixuser>, since spamd will
no longer be able to bind to the default port, you need to specify a
high port in this case. And for some odd reason spamd still expects the
-u option to be used.

You can also add virtual users like this:

spamd_flags=" -c -x -u <unixuser>

and then using:

spamc -u <vuser>

in the above <unixuser> is the unprivileged user and  <vuser> is the
virtual user which is substituted for %u in the above path. 

There are also numerous sql alternatives, but that's a bit more

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