Linux-realplayer missing from ports

Al Plant noc at
Wed Nov 4 01:16:10 UTC 2009


I am trying to get Linux-RealPlayer to install from updated ports 
collection on a FreeBSD 9 desktop box. (Xorg and www etc all installed 
fine on this test box.)

Error says it cannot be found in our ports collection. Is there a way to 
locate the maintainer? This port is missing some components. Or can it 
be down loaded into distfiles? If so from where?

Or has this been replaced by something else to play audio in ports. I 
would be glad to try any port for playing audio from web or files that 
is known to work.


~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
   + + +
   +   - Supporting - FreeBSD  7.2 - 8.0 - 9* +
   < email: noc at >
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