Canon printer and TurboPrint

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Fri May 29 11:29:34 UTC 2009

> The concept behind the EU is socialism, pure and simple. It attempts to

unfortunately yes. and i'm so unfortunate to live here. Strange enough 
Poland are fortunately very "behind" in this at least under current 
government, but the question is how long...

> feeders. A free, open market is the way to encourage development and
> new ideas and technology. Not some pathetic, socialistic concept.

Free means everybody will decide if to share ideas and work or not, 
instead of beaurocratic parasites deciding for them.

If anyone thinks that there will be no sharing then - welcome to FreeBSD 

IMHO Really good deal of code in this system is something that people 
wrote themselves because they needed for their business, and then gave it 
back without any force. am i right?

> A company has the right to disperse their product as they see fit. I
> know a socialist like you finds that abhorrent; however, it is never the

He fortunately isn't dangerous socialist, just repeating what 
he learned from constant propaganda. nothing else.

Those who tell similar ideas just because he want to get into politics or 
become a clerk to get easily money - are bad but still not as dangerous.

The really dangerous are those who really truly believe in that shit and 
do everything to make it happen.

In computer world Richard Stallman is good example with his GNU ideas and 
communist licence.

Developing things under GNU licence is complete waste of time, as less and 
less companies will use it's product.

Does it make sense that - for example - i develop quite complex 
software/hardware and just used some simple part of GNU code to save time 
and not reinvent a wheel - and then i have to share ALL MY WORK, including 
my "trade secrets"?

No it doesn't, i would rather seek for BSD licenced things, use it, then 
contribute back any improvement i made to it.

Not because some f..n EU clerk requested me to do this, but because i get 
something and want to reward.

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