Run script on boot, as ordinary user

Mel Flynn mel.flynn+fbsd.questions at
Thu May 7 18:51:09 UTC 2009

On Thursday 07 May 2009 19:57:03 Nerius Landys wrote:
> So there's cron.  Is there anything that lets an ordinary user start
> his/her programs at bootup of the system?  And then run a script when
> the system is shutting down?  I'm familiar with /etc/rc.d/, but that's
> not really what I'm looking for.

You sure? You can simply write an rc.d script that iterates through 
/home/*/rc.d/* and invokes each enabled script in there as the user, using su 
or sudo.
This will cleanly shutdown stuff for them.

Whether they *should* be running their own instances is an entirely different 
question. VirtualHost can do a lot and with mod_vhost_alias you simplify the 
maintenance, while maintaining several instances complicates it.

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