Why?? (prog question)

Gary Kline kline at thought.org
Mon Mar 30 19:57:33 PDT 2009

people, i've been under the weather for days and will probably be for a few more.
new  and TEMPORARY meds dont like me, ugh.

can anybody clue me in why the followin joinline program fails to catch if argc == 1?

 * simple prog to join all | very nearly all lines of a text file that 
 * make up one paragraph into one LONG line.  
 * paragraphs are delimiated by a single \n break.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

main(int argc, char argv[])
   char buf[65536];

   if (argc == 1)
	printf("Usage: %s < file > newfile\n", argv[0]);
	exit (-1);
   while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) )
     if (*buf == '\n')
       fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
       buf[strlen(buf)-1] = ' ';
       fputs(buf, stdout);

 Gary Kline  kline at thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
        http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org
    The 2.41a release of Jottings: http://jottings.thought.org/index.php

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