Portsnap vs CSup

Adam Vandemore amvandemore at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 12:13:58 PDT 2009

Kalle Møller wrote:
> Hi
> I've been digging around, but I can't find a clear answer, which of those
> two is the "correct" to use. Hence I don't use one now, so if I'm going to
> learn one, I would prefer it to be the right one.
There is not necessarily a correct answer, either is "correct".  However 
it is generally much more efficient and easier to run portsnap.  However 
portsnap wouldn't help if you're trying to upgrade(or downgrade) your 
current version of FBSD.  Some will setup cron jobs to update ports tree 
daily, other do it on an as needed basis.  Personally, my home desktop I 
generally update ports a least once a week, while some servers will 
rarely if ever see an updated ports tree.  In general, it's nice to be 
considerate of bandwidth, so if you don't need it don't run it.  
freebsd-update is another matter though.  Base system security updates 
are distributed via that channel(binary updates) so it's a good idea to 
run that regularly.

Adam Vandemore
Systems Administrator
IMED Mobility
(605) 498-1610

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