GCC/GCJ and pdftk

Greg Larkin glarkin at FreeBSD.org
Wed Jun 10 17:39:29 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Joe Auty wrote:
> bf wrote:
>>> However, I've also read in the pdftk port logs that gcj is included in
>>> GCC 3.4+ when WITHOUT_JAVA in the GCC Makefile is set to no or commented
>>> out. So, I compiled GCC with gcj support without a problem, and
>> Oh yes, did you?  Really?  How?  Better look again.
> Yes, I did:
> $ ls /usr/local/bin/gcj*
> /usr/local/bin/gcj42    /usr/local/bin/gcjh42

Hi Joe,

I've done some experimentation here on my amd64 virtual machine, and I
haven't been able to convince gcc 4.2 to build with libjava/gcj support yet.

It doesn't appear to be as simple as commenting out the WITHOUT_JAVA
parts of gcc42/Makefile.  On my machine, there are directives in the gcc
configure script to prevent libjava from building on FreeBSD.

However, this could be due to the fact that my VM is running -CURRENT
from late last year.  Can you send me the output of "uname -a" of the
machine where you ran your gcc+libgcj build successfully?

Thank you,
- --
Greg Larkin

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