Opinion request about a file server

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl
Fri Jun 5 16:17:03 UTC 2009

> I have an old computer (ASRock P4Dual-915GL) with Intel P4
> CPU at 3.0Ghz and 2Gb of RAM.

this is not old - very powerfull machine.

> I am asking the list maybe is somebody out there with a similar
> configuration
> and running FreeBSD on such a system as a File Server and Print Server
> using samba.

what a problem? much more than needed.

> What i mainly try to achieve, talking in storage space, is 2 HDD of 1TB in
> mirroring using gmirror(8) and 1 separate HDD of 500Gb.
> So do you think the system I've mentioned would handle the load? The server

10 times more power than needed. disks speed is the only limit

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