Solaris Compat?

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Tue Jan 27 15:04:49 PST 2009

>> do stupid things
> I really, really dislike the notion that any company, in the selfishly sheer
> pursuit of profits, should be able to dictate to anyone what that person should
> be able to do, giving that it's within the limits of the law.  Not allowing one
> to view many sites ISN'T within the moral control of any company.

Those who disallow you to view many sites are the sites authors!! Nothing 

Properly designed page is viewable in ANY browser. It's not bad to use 
flash for some "flashing" adverts, as long as you can browse the site 
without this.

The REAL information doesn't need any extras, and should be always 
readable with simplest text-based browser.

They don't just dumps out potential readers that don't use "the only 
right" OS and browser.

They too - dumps out all disabled people, most importantly blind.

It's not a problem for a blind to read plain text on computers (there are 
LOTS of solutions for this), but navigating in graphics-only manus etc. is 

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