In Brief: idea summary

Gary Kline kline at
Sun Jan 11 23:50:22 PST 2009

	hEy guys,

	Here's my idea,

	And since I'm publishing on the most open of the open-source
	list, it'll be hard for anybody to ``steal'', assuming it is
	_worth_ stealing.

	People seem to be reading less; fact.  Listening more.  I'm
	sure there are a slew onlist who still plop down before the
	TV after a long day of coding, and so forth.  My idea isn't
	intended for this group.  It is for those of us who do read
	news of the web, sci-tech journals, and even forums.  

	Of course, if you use konq or have firefox set up to read
	whatever you mouse-swipe, you can listen to the TTS reader
	while you sort your paper, or other miscellany.  If you miss
	something--at least with festival, you can always back up and

	There are at least two problems with this model as it stands.
	The first is  _if_ the story/article is continued on pages
	2,3,4, and 5.  Also, when you swipe the text to be read and
	there is an <IMG="foo.jpg"><> with a series of 
	"vertical-bar", "vertical-bar".  Or more annoying things read.

	When things get too far off-story, I kill the reader, stop
	and focus on the page, blow it up so it is easy to read, then
	read it.

	It cost major bux to have a professional reader record
	articles and be stored online.  What I have in mind would let
	the tts software read the story, no "|" or "&&".  

	Shouldn't be that difficult for online site to implement.
	Am I on to something??

 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
    First update of in seven months.

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