Setting up a PDF printer

George Hartzell hartzell at
Sat Jan 3 12:53:51 PST 2009

Keith Seyffarth writes:
 > > If you're using the cups printing subsystem you can use the cups-pdf
 > > port/package.
 > > 
 > > You end up with the pdf's deposited in /var/spool/cups-pdf/USERNAME.
 > I don't have any printing installed currently. I may be getting a
 > printer for this machine at some point in the future (at which point
 > I'll have to figure out how to get printing to a printer working).
 > When I run
 > # which cups
 > the response is:
 > cups: Command not found.
 > would
 > # portinstall cups
 > install this printing option? or would I have to install something
 > else?

You'll need the cups and cup-pdf ports/packages, then add


to /etc/rc.conf and then

  /usr/local/etc/rc.d/cupsd restart

and then point a browser at


and go through the "add a printer" steps (when it asks device choose
the pdf entry and when it asks for a make I choose 'raw'.  Seems to

I *think* that the username you give to the web interface whilst
adding the printer has to be in the 'wheel' group.


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