10gb network interface suggestions

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl
Sat Feb 7 07:01:03 PST 2009

> But also I am open to other brands. Especially If anyone has
> experience on that this matter would be very very helpful. I have seen
> that Sun has quad 10gbE adapters:
> http://www.sun.com/products/networking/ethernet/10gigethernet/index.xml
> I am not sure if FreeBSD supports that?

could you please explain ANY CASE when 4*10GbE/s could be utilized.

it's 5 GIGABYTES/s each direction. computer memory subsystem is rarely 

> 2) Do you suggest fiber or copper?

depend of what you connect to.

> 3) Which bus option to use ? As far as I see intel has both (Pci
> Express and PCI-X not sure if their PCI Express cards are PCI Express
> 2.0 for pcie2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI_Express shows
> significant performance boost)

anything slower than PCIe 4-lane is slower than single 10GbE port.

PCI-X is AFAIK 500MB/s so you won't get much

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