dump(8) using snapshot + "recommended" cache

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl
Sun Feb 1 05:34:19 PST 2009

> I regularly use dump(8) with snapshots to back up my server.
> While this seems to have been working perfectly well so far,
> upon (re)reading the man page for dump(8), I have noticed a
> somewhat scary pair of lines in the paragraph describing
> the option for -C <cachesize> (emphasis with stars mine):
> 	[Use of this option] will greatly improve performance
> 	at the cost of ***dump possibly not noticing changes in
> 	the file system*** between passes.
> 	***It is recommended that you always use this option when
> 	dumping a snapshot.***
> Does anyone know what, exactly, this means?

no, in my experience it's no difference in speed with this enabled or not.

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