After installing a ZFS only build, machine won't complete POST

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Wed Dec 30 06:25:36 UTC 2009

In the last episode (Dec 29), John Terrell said:
> Has anyone seen this?  I've just installed a ZFS only build following the
> instructions at (  After
> rebooting after the install, the POST won't complete (it appears to be
> looking at the disks for something).  If I unplug the drives and reboot,
> POST completes.  If I then destroy the GPT partitions and install MBR, I
> can now get past POST (but with a corrupted installation that won't boot).
> Some info:
> Motherboard: MSI Neo2
> Disks:  2x 500GB Seagates (I created a mirrored pool during installation).
> Could this just be a crappy BIOS issue?

Possibly.  Unless your BIOS is very new it's unlikely to support GPT.

> I'd hate to have to scrap GPT/ZFS and go back to MBR/UFS.

ZFS works just fine inside an MBR partition, as long as your disks fit the
2TB limit (yours do).

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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