Midnight Commander - Where is the subshell?

herbert langhans herbert.raimund at gmx.net
Tue Dec 29 23:37:38 UTC 2009

Hi Daemons,
I have just installed the brandnew mc 4.7 - now there is still an old little annoyance:

Being root I can switch away the mc-commander and use the shell, CTRL+o does the trick.

But as a normal user CTRL+o blanks the screen, no shell prompt appears and hitting a key just shows mc again.

The subshell support must be working, all is fine if I am root. 
What is wrong there, anyone knows the trick using the subshell as a normal user??

herb langhans

sprachtraining langhans
herbert langhans, warschau
herbert dot raimund at gmx dot net
+0048 603 341 441

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