ld-elf related problems

alex alex at mailinglist.ahhyes.net
Mon Dec 21 17:15:11 UTC 2009

Ruben de Groot wrote:
> So? It's just an OS. Some will switch to linux and try to make that better.
> Thats evolution.
I hate linux to be honest, I have always highly praised FreeBSD to my 
friends and colleagues in the industry. But sadly enough, linux is 
performing significantly better in a number of areas than FreeBSD at the 
moment (yes I know the reasons why there is no zfs on linux, funny isnt 
it). This stupid licensing issue with the gnu development tools is a 
major setback, what will it take before someone says "Hey, gcc 4.2.x can 
no longer produce code that makes us competitive performance wise with 
other open source operating systems ,we need to upgrade"?

Are we going to wait years on end until llvm is mature enough?

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