mount_udf information

Dean Weimer dweimer at
Fri Dec 18 20:37:19 UTC 2009

Does anyone know where I can find out what versions of the UDF file system that the FreeBSD mount_udf command supports?

Or more specifically does anyone know if it's possible to mount an ISO image of Windows 2008 server with FreeBSD?

I created an ISO image server running on FreeBSD 7.2 (Also tested on a FreeBSD 8.0 machine, no change in results) to store the ISO images we use frequently.  Serving them both through NFS for access to be mounted as CD/DVD drives with on VMware ESX servers, and through samba shares both as ISO images and mounted as read only file systems.  Everything worked great right up until I got to the mounting of the Windows 2008 Server DVDs.

Tried using:
mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /windows2008serverdvd.iso -u 0
mount -t udf /dev/md0 /mnt/windows2008serverdvd

It returns "mount_udf: /dev/md0: Invalid argument"

And logs a kernel error of "FSD does not lie within the partition!"

     Dean Weimer
     Network Administrator
     Orscheln Management Co

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