Device not configured

David Naylor naylor.b.david at
Wed Dec 16 21:59:36 UTC 2009


I booted into single user mode (running FreeBSD 8 RC2) and did:

# dd if=/dev/ad8 of=/dev/ad8 bs=1024k

After waiting a few hours the command completed without problem (ad8 is the 
HDD that has FreeBSD).  After that I got the following:

# reboot
reboot: device not configured
# ls
vnode_pager_getpages: I/O read error
ls: device not configured

Pressing the boxes power button results in the above vnode message to spam the 
screen.  The only way to reset the system was to do a hard reset (root was ro 
:-) ).  

Is this expected behaviour or something wrong with the HDD?  

I have been having issues with VirtualBox where doing IO (network and HDD) 
causes DMA problems resulting in the system panicing and rebooting.  Could 
this be related?  

I haven't finished diagnosing the VirtualBox problem but booting the guest in 
safe mode (the guest is FreeBSD-current) does not fix the problem.  

Thanks for your assistance.

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